NZS Spaces
Inside the building of the Football Association of Slovenia (NZS) was necessary to ensure safety, comfort and inaccessibility of users - football stars. Spatial reflections on the semi-private use of a public building have addressed the design idea that the hidden spaces of a building are still public spaces and deserve coherent design.
Project: interior l furniture l design
Investor: Football Association of Slovenia
Area: 600 m2
Authors: with Arhitektura Krušec d.o.o.
Lena Krušec, u.d.i.a.
Maša Ogrin, m.i.a.
Tomaž Krušec, u.d.i.a.
Vid Kurinčič, u.d.i.a.
Project: interior l furniture l design
Investor: Football Association of Slovenia
Area: 600 m2
Authors: with Arhitektura Krušec d.o.o.
Lena Krušec, u.d.i.a.
Maša Ogrin, m.i.a.
Tomaž Krušec, u.d.i.a.
Vid Kurinčič, u.d.i.a.
V notranjosti objekta Nogometne zveze Slovenija (NZS) je bilo potrebno poskrbeti za varnost, udobje in nedostopnost uporabnikov - nogometnih zvezdnikov. Prostorski razmisleki o pol-zasebni uporabi javnega objekta so naslovili oblikovalsko idejo, da so skriti prostori objekta še vedno javni prostori in zaslužijo koherentno oblikovanje.
© 2022 Maša Ogrin