Appartment Beograd
The apartment is desingned as a ironic response to the problematics of new residential architecture in the city center of Belgrade, where authentic buildings are replaced by new building interpolations in the neo-style.
We played with the reinterpretation of classic wall stucco and rearranged the entire apartment into a grid redesigned for the appartment that occasionally hosts a family of four.
Project: interior l furniture l design
Investor: private
Area: 4002
Authors: with Sadar + Vuga d.o.o.
Maša Ogrin, m.i.a.
Jurij Sadar, m.i.a.
Coworker: Milena Zindović, m.i.a.
source: www and personal archive
Stanovanje Beograd
Stanovanje na nek način rešuje problematiko same stanovanjske arhitekture v mestnem središču Beograda, kjer avtentične stavbe zamenjujejo nove stavbne interpolacije v neo-slogu.
Poigrali smo se z reinterpretacijo klasičnih stenskih štukatur in celotno stanovanje preuredili v mrežo preurejeno za občasno bivanje štiričlanske družine.
© 2022 Maša Ogrin